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2021 "In what a world"

First off "Merry Christmas and Happy New Year" to all the historic members.

It has been a horrible 2020 with the 'pollen' outbreak which kept a lot of us away from our passion both physically and financially.

Hope it did give rise to repaired, refurbished, updated and now working chariots. We are surely looking forward to some racing this season.

The 2021 calendar has been published with known dates as of now. Any changes will be forwarded to members in the near future.

The website will be updated regularly from now on as we progress through the year.

I would like members to submit photos of historic ff for inclusion in the gallery. Plus history of their cars and themselves if possible to be added to the car and driver profile page(do not be shy write yourself up as well)

Latest regs are published for "PASSION OF SPEED" at Zwartkops for the end of Jan.

It is a passionate plea for guys to bring their cars out. We just do not know the future of lockdowns and restrictions. Also a mail from Zelda (Zwartkop Admin) which outlines the details.

Please go to the Regs in entry forms and results on the website

From: Zelda Verster <> Sent: Tuesday, 15 December 2020 11:30 To: Subject: 2021 PASSION FOR SPEED 29TH, 30TH, 31ST JANUARY Importance: High

Good Day,

Please find attached herewith the following documents for the 29th, 30th & 31st January:

  • Supplementary Regulations

  • Entry Form

  • MSA Attendance Register (to be completed in full and returned with your entry form)

  • Self-Scrutineering Form (Cars/ Single Seaters/ Bikes)

  • MSA Daily Screening Form (to be handed in at the gate upon entry Friday and Saturday)

  • Event WhatsApp Group Link:

    • ALL notifications, results, etc. will be done via this WhatsApp group

3 crew members + 1 rider/driver per rider/driver entered may be registered – crew members must complete the, Attendance Register and Daily Screening Form.

!! Important INFORMATION!!

  • Entries will only be accepted once we have received the completed entry form, MSA licence, proof of payment, attendance register as well as the self-scrutineering form - no exceptions will be made.

  • These forms must be completed by everyone attending the event and the daily screening questionnaire must be completed every day prior to temperature screening at the entrance gate so that the medical personnel can enter the person’s temperature and then retain the form, which must be submitted back to MSA.

  • A maximum of four (4) pre-approved personnel per entered and approved vehicle will be allowed entry to the event premises after successful completion of the daily screening process of all personnel. (this includes the driver, mechanics, support staff etc.) All suppliers, officials, category representatives, media, staff, tenants, organisers etc. will need to follow the same procedure.

  • If you, your mechanics, support staff etc. are not registered and approved by Zwartkops; entry to premises will be denied. Registrations will close on Wednesday, 13th January 2021 at 14:00

  • NO MASK – NO ENTRY! Masks are to be worn at all times by all event attendees (except competitors when wearing full face crash helmets or a fire-resistant balaclava with an open face helmet where these are permitted).

  • All persons present at motorsport events shall ensure that they have access to alcohol-based hand sanitizers in order to promote hand cleanliness in the absence of soap and water.

  • Social distancing requirements to be adhered to by all event attendees.

  • 1.5m minimum distance to be maintained between people.

  • No in-person podium/ awards ceremonies to be conducted (your category representative is responsible for good quality electronic certificates of achievement)

  • Only pre-ordered food and beverages (no alcohol) may be ordered online from the onsite restaurant (if available) which will be delivered by theonsite restaurant personnel to the person placing the order. If no onsite facility is available, each individual present at the event must supply their own food and beverages (no alcohol). Consumption of all food and beverages to take place in allocated pits only. No sharing of food or beverages is allowed.

  • As soon as competitors have completed their final race/heat they are to pack up their equipment and leave the venue (no post-event socialising may take place).

  • No spectators may be granted access to events.

Kind Regards

Zelda Verster



PLEASE NOTE: Zwartkops will close on Tuesday, 15th December 2020 and will reopen on Tuesday, 5th January 2021.

Zwartkops Raceway (Pty) Ltd

R55 Road, Pretoria West, 0183

P.O. Box 21358, Valhalla, 0137

t: 012 384 2299

m: 071 670 0585

f: 086 676 5096

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