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On track with history

As a dedicated (and growing!) community Owners,Drivers,Mechanics (mostly the drivers)Helpers,Familiy members and enthusiasts, we’ve come together to create an amazing hub for people from all over to share and interact. We’d love for you to join us! As a part of our club, we want you to always stay informed about what we’re doing and what’s on our agenda. Check out our latest updates and stay in the loop.



  A short history of the HSSA

The origins of the HSSA go back to the early 80 's and now cater for all single seat historic racing cars built before 1977. It is also a home for purpose built two seat race cars of the same period.

Interest in 'historic' cars grew rapidly in the early 80's, built on the traditions of the famous and successful  South  African  specials  of the post war period. The growth of interest was stimulated by the European scene and the ever increasing value of 'obsolete' racing cars. A core of historic cars were early on the grid including Dunkerley's Chevron B8, Dave Sinclair in his Formula Ford, Weber in his Lotus 31, Ron Korte's Lola, and soon aftcr joined by Richard Baker in his Cooper Jap, Smirt's Barracuda, Daggit's Taraschi. By 1985 even more significant cars were on the track and making special appearances including David Cohen in his GT  40 and duPlessis in  his  LDS Alfa as well as a Lola T70, Chevron B21 , as well as the Riley Special.


At this time these cars were raced alongside the Classic Saloons in a Club championship, a situation which lead to many hairy moments. Two 3 litre FI cars even made regular appearances a March 701 (cx­ Ronnie Petersen) and the Tim Schenken Trojan of 1974. Over the years some cars disappeared but they were replaced by others such as a Lolene, Elva Chevrolet, Palliser, Barran Special, Duphet, and the Mitter DKW


Combined races came to an abrupt  end  when  at  the start  of a  race at Midvaal, the Mustang of Brian Evans  played  ' piggy-back'  with the LDS Alfa. The Mustang was a write off, while the LDS driver escaped with a squashed front comer and tire marks on his helmet' MSA immediately banned 'mixed' fields.The result of this was rather depressing. For years there was nowhere for  the Single Seaters  to race.  In September 1998 they were offered a race at Kyalami where six cars were on the grid as part of the Vodacom Series. The following year there  were  three  dedicated races! Despite the bumpy road, many persevered and in 2001 there were 26 entries at Zwatkops in July (but only 12 starters!). 

The HSSA became a regular part of the Piper Series and raced alongside our 'foreign ' guests. Today, this international day is considered to be the core of our champ ion ship.

Pat Dunseith and Howard Robinson worked towards a low profile championship for 2005 and four events were included for the season and which encouraged sixteen cars on the grid for the Zwartkops event. East London was included for the first time and has become the focus of the season and the home of the AGM for the past five years.


Until 2005 the single seaters were an integral part of the HRCR but went semi-independent as the HSSA following much correspondence and a prodding by Dickon Daggit. Following some discussion with HRCR in 2008, over finances, it was proposed char we should go fully in dependent, but still as a branch member of the SCC. This was approved at the annual general meeting on the 29th Nov, 2005.


Thanks to many who were generous with knowledge, the  late Howard Robinson and current  guru Ian Hebblethwaite collected information  about all aspects of our cars. Today, the HSSA also boasts a library that details the history of many of the cars and races.


We arc perhaps the purest (albeit not perfect) form of the historic groupings. Our Championship has changed over the years and due to the costs of racing have agreed on only 4 races per year and take place at Zwartkop and Red Star respectively.   This could change in the future.

 Att.Brendon Baines

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